What We Are About!

X-II000 INC. (pronounced ex-two-thousand incorporated) is an ideology. Created by Edward H. Ladson II, the 'INC' studies different ideas from different cultures. From religion to relationships, X-II000 wants to know the various thoughts of people. We all have ideas, but no one wants to hear them. We try to tell our parents, teachers, siblings even radio dj's our problems with no remorse. The 'INC.' is here to help you.

Let's start with the most popular idea, religion. The 'INC.' studied many religions. From Pentlecostalism to Buddhism, I found out that each of them have holes in their histories. But together the holes are filled. For example, in the Bible's book of Genesis, Cain had a wife. However, the only woman on the planet was their mother, Eve. How could a young man have a wife if there were only one woman in existance?

Music is another thing that needs discussion. In music, there are two types of people: the one's that has the education and the performers. Take a look at any label. It was only thirty years ago that the right writers of songs got the credit for their work. Today, record labels are going after young high-school graduates and under to join them. These people are just too young for that type of responsibility. There are many stories of young people resort to sex to get a record deal. And when their contract expires, or when the artist dies, it is hard for the artist or their family to get residuals from record lables. Example, Tupac Shakur's mother tried to get residuals from Marion 'Suge' Knight with no success.

We are not a religion or a cult, but we do need members. We accept two types of people: Reserved Members and Informents. We are not gossipers, so don't joke around. We want to make sure that our reserved members are worthy enough for the 'INC.' We do want people to have a strong belief in GOD and to know what GOD is. Here are some of the examples of what we believe in:

1) GOD does not have a sex or gender. GOD is a supreme being, or the ultimate mind.

2) Pictures in religious structures like churches, temples, etc. are fakes created by during the Renaissance. Europeans want us to believe in their 'god,' but it does not even exist.

3) Sex prior to marriage is not a sin. As said in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, Adam knew Eve. That meant he had sex with her, Adam did not marry Eve, they just had a lot of children together.

This is not everything that X-II000 is about. If you have any questions about 'THE INC.' or if you have any concerns, e-mail us at the electronic mailing address at the very bottom of this page.

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