
Hello, I am the Executive and welcome to The Relationships Department. On this page I would like to get something off my chest: Relationships. Do people even know what love is anymore? Obviously not! True love is reciprocable. If the person you are in love with is not in love with you, it is not love. It is a mere infatuation. People think that it is love, but in reality, it isn't even attraction. People don't even know what attraction is.

Attraction isn't even an action from the eyes. It is one from the nose. People have a scent to them, like all of life, called pheromones. These pheromones attracts people to each other. This is not what people are doing. What they are doing is using they're eyes to get with the person with the most money, the best looking person, a trophy! This leads to a relationship that any man or woman would regret!

It shouldn't matter what the person looks like. It shouldn't matter if they are a different race, a different sex, or a little younger than you. It shouldn't matter if they are of the same race, sex, or a little older than you. If it is true love, no one should stop it.

There are too many people in our communities building walls, instead of bridges. Why shouldn't a man or a woman date outside of their race?

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