
Efficiency is the act of which a person does an action another person does not want to do, but better. We all do something on a daily basis, that we are not comfortable with, like work or school. What keeps us going, beside our paychecks, is our efficiency.

You must do your work faster and better than the next person. You do not have to enjoy your job, but make them remember you. Be the best worker. If you are a bus driver, be the best bus driver. If you are an executive, be the best executive. Bill Gates is the most successful man in history. His company, Microsoft, had alot of speed bumps in their path before clientele, like IBM, began to do business with them. Gates partner even left Microsoft to join the Apple Computer Corporation in the early 1980's. The thing that efficiency, Apple wants to do more business with Microsoft.

If you want to build a bridge, a building, or even a society, you must be efficient. You have to show the world that you are the best at what you do. Do not be slow. Do not lolligag. Do not be lazy. Finish your work as fast and as great as you can, then start with the next task.

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