As the sunsets in Harlem, Rudolph Gulliani, Mayor of New York City, has closed yet another sexually orientated club. Quaility of life was has reason for this action.

Quality of life is going down in New York City. We tend to hide things from our children as if they will not find out about breast, vaginas, penises, or just sex. Parts of the body that every male, female, or hermathodite has. Why? What type of "Promise Land" is he trying to create? Do you honestly believe that New York would be a better place, if we hide the fact that sex exists here? If you do, he is a dreamer.

If kids have to wait until they are 18 or 21 yeas of age to attend a strip club, so be it. However, why prevent an older person from going to a strip club. Adults, unlike children, have rights. An adult has the right to see another person in the nude. Above all, a person should have the right to be in nude indoors. It is not right for a strip club to close-down because it is either close to a school, church, or each other. Does a McDonald's have to shut it's doors because it is neare a Burger King? No. So, why does a strip club have to close because it is near-by another club?

Mayor Gulliani has gone too far, I hate his ideology. Just because his wife left him and took the kids, that does not mean he should prevent New Yorkers from enjoying sex. Well, my balding friend, the buck stops here. It was bad enough that parents prevented their children from obtaining contraception in school, but closing down these strip clubs is going too far.

In recent times, strip clubs were used as places for meetings, outside of a boardroom. It helps to relieve tension from the common hassles of business and has resulted in better business deal between one company to another. Now, without these clubs, there are no common ground between one class and another. New Yorkers has now realized that they have made a big mistake re-electing Mayor Gulliani this past November.

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